
Game review: warhammer Killteam

Warhammer killteam is a branch off of warhammer:40,0000. Instead of focusing on large armies, killteam focuses on small skirmish battles with few figures, rather than large armies.

One good place to start is with the killteam starter set, and although it’s expensive, it is good for beginners. It is also good if you do not want to paint as many miniatures in order to play a game.

There are many game stores that offer games against other players, and you can go up to your local game store and ask when they have their next tournament. The rules are a little bit complicated, although once you learn the rules, it is pretty easy to play. 

There are three types of play. Matched play, which is good for if you want an even battle, open play, which is good for just playing, and narrative play, were you you have the same squad, and you develop it, gaining battle scars and your characters can die, making them unusable in that campaign.

All in all, I rate it 5 stars for playability

4.5 stars for rules and 4 stars for story.

By cat warrior

I have 6 fish, 5 endlers livebearers and 1 betta. I also have a cat at our family farm named tiger.

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